Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management & Asian Symposium on Risk Assessment and Management
  PSAM17 & ASRAM2024  
  October 7-11, 2024, Sendai International Center, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan

Conference Program (Tentative)

DayTime Exhibition Hall 2 Exhibition Hall 1-A Exhibition Hall 1-B Meeting Room 1 Meeting Room 2 Meeting Room 3(A,B) Meeting Room 4(A,B) Exhibition Hall 3(A,B) Sakura
Oct. 7
09:00 - 09:30 Opening
09:30 - 10:30 Plenary Lecture 1
10:30 - 10:50 Coffee Break [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
10:50 - 11:50 Plenary Lecture 2
11:50 - 13:00 Lunch [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
13:00 - 15:00 Risk Informed Applications 1
Risk Assessment Methods 1
Human Factors and Human Reliability 1
AI, Machine Learning 1
Accident Analysis and Modeling 1
Risk and Hazard Analyses 1
External Hazard PSA/PRA 1
15:00 - 15:20 Coffee Break [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
15:20 - 17:20 Risk Informed Applications 2
Risk Assessment Methods 2
Human Factors and Human Reliability 2
AI, Machine Learning 2
Accident Analysis and Modeling 2
Risk and Hazard Analyses 2

External Hazard PSA/PRA 2
17:40 - 18:40 Student Poster 1
19:00 - 21:00 Banquet
Oct. 8
08:30 - 09:15 Keynote Lecture 1
Keynote Lecture 2
09:15 - 10:00 Keynote Lecture 3
Keynote Lecture 4
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee Break [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
10:20 - 11:20 Student Poster 2
11:30 - 13:00 Award Lunch
13:00 - 15:00 Risk Informed Applications 3
Risk Assessment Methods 3
Human Factors and Human Reliability 3
AI, Machine Learning 3
Accident Analysis and Modeling 3
Physical/Cyber Security
External Hazard PSA/PRA 3
15:00 - 15:20 Coffee Break [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
15:20 - 17:50 Internal Hazards PSA/PRA 1
Risk Assessment Methods 4
Human Factors and Human Reliability 4
Reliability Analysis 1
Accident Analysis and Modeling 4
Risk and Hazard Analyses 3
External Hazard PSA/PRA 4
Oct. 9
08:30 - 09:15 Keynote Lecture 5
09:15 - 10:00 Keynote Lecture 6
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee Break [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
10:20 - 11:50 Risk Informed Applications 4
Consequence Modeling and Management
Environmental Risk Assessment 1
AI, Machine Learning 4
Multi-Unit, Multi-Source PSA/PRA 1
Digital Transformation
Maintenance Modelling and Optimization 1
11:50 - 13:00 Lunch [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
13:00 - 15:00 Topical Session 1
Risk Assessment Methods 5
Human Factors and Human Reliability 5
AI, Machine Learning 5
Multi-Unit, Multi-Source PSA/PRA 2
Risk and Hazard Analyses 4
Dynamic PSA/PRA 1
15:00 - 15:20 Coffee Break [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
15:20 - 17:50 Risk-Informed Performance-Based Regulation 1
Risk Assessment Methods 6
Human Factors and Human Reliability 6
Mathematical Method Reliability
Accident Analysis and Modeling 5
Internal Hazards PSA/PRA 2
Dynamic PSA/PRA 2
Oct. 10
08:30 - 09:15 Keynote Lecture 7
09:15 - 10:00 Keynote Lecture 8
10:00 - 10:20 Coffee Break [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
10:20 - 11:50 Risk Informed Applications 5
Risk Assessment Methods 7
Environmental Risk Assessment 2
Structural Reliability Analysis Methods
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis 1
Industrial Safety 1
Maintenance Modelling and Optimization 2
11:20 - 13:00 Lunch [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
13:00 - 15:00 Topical Session 2
Risk Assessment Methods 8
Resilience Engineering 1
AI, Machine Learning 6
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis 2
Industrial Safety 2
Dynamic PSA/PRA 3
15:00 - 15:20 Coffee Break [ Exhibiton Hall 3(A,B) ]
15:20 - 17:50 Topical Session 3
Risk Assessment Methods 9
Resilience Engineering 2
Reliability Analysis 2
Risk-Informed Performance-Based Regulation 2
Internal Hazards PSA/PRA 3
Dynamic PSA/PRA 4
Oct. 11
09:00 - 10:30 Topical Session 4
10:30 - 11:15 Closing and Ice Cream Social
Oct. 7 (Mon.)
Exhibition Hall 2
Plenary Lecture 1
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 09:30 - 10:30, Exhibition Hall 2
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-PL01 The Evolution of the Use of PRA and Risk-Informed Decision-Making in Japan (Keynote)
George Apostolakis (Nuclear Risk Research Center, Japan)
Plenary Lecture 2
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 10:50 - 11:50, Exhibition Hall 2
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-PL02 Risk and Reliability Research at Idaho National Laboratory
Svetlana Lawrence (Idaho National Laboratory, United States)
Risk Informed Applications 1
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Man Cheol Kim (Chung-ang University, Korea)
Co-Chair: Takahiro Kuramoto (NUCLEAR ENGINEERING,Ltd., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1011 PSA-based Intelligent Design Suggestions for Nuclear Power Plant
Ming Wang (CNPEC, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1061 Application of PSA in balance design of nuclear power plant
Bing Zhang, Ming Wang ( State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Power Safety Technology and Equipment, China), Modi Lin (China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1211 Application of PSA in DEC-B Sequence Determination
Wenjing Li (china nuclear power engineering company, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1331 Consideration for PRA configuration control program at KEPCO's nuclear power plants
Koki Tawa, Kensuke Toyoshima, Hiroaki Yoshikawa, Takamasa Kurokawa (NUCLEAR ENGINEERING, LTD., Japan), Ryusei Ogawa, Kenichiro Ikuno, Takeshi Numata (The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan)
Risk Informed Applications 2
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 15:20 - 17:20, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Carroll Trull (Engineering Planning and Management Inc., United States)
Co-Chair: Yoshiyuki Narumiya (Japan Nuclear Safety Institute, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1105 Risk Informed Applications in Japan - Review of a Selected Application Compared and Contrasted
Paul Hijeck, Carroll Trull (Engineering Planning and Management Inc., United States), Naoto Kitahara, Chikako Ogura, Yuji Komori (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1069 Domestic Trends Toward the Introduction of On-Line Maintenance and Guideline for On-Line Maintenance
Mizuki Yoshida, Wataru Kawaguchi, Kazuo Sakuramoto (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1084 Initiatives to improve safety of Ohma-Nuclear Power Plant by using the risk information in the construction phase
Yuusuke Arai, Tsukasa Ootani, Sadakane Hideaki, Tetsurou Ryuu (Electric Power Development Co., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1120 Feasibility Study on Risk-Informed Reactor Containment Vessels Test Interval Extension in Japan
Shunsuke Takahashi (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Manabu Watanabe, Takayoshi Kusunoki (CRIEPI, Japan)
Exhibition Hall 1-A
Risk Assessment Methods 1
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 1-A
Chair: Tomohiko Ikegawa (Hitachi, Ltd., Japan)
Co-Chair: Ziyue Liu (University of Maryland, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1032 Improvement of Risk Quantification Procedure for High-Speed Computing
Tomohiko Ikegawa (Hitachi, Ltd., Japan), Naoki Hirokawa (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Japan), Hiroki Nakamura, Yuki Hirai, Kazunobu Noriyasu (The Chugoku Electric Power Company, Incorporated, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1158 Applications of Statistical Learning Methods in Natural Hazard Assessment
Ziyue Liu, Azin Al Kajbaf, Michelle Bensi (University of Maryland, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1293 Effect of Nonlinearity of Building and Components on Response Correlation of Nuclear Power Plants
Masahiro Ourai, Yasuki Ohtori, Hitoshi Muta (Tokyo City University, Japan), Masato Nakajima (Central REsarch Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1300 Study on Quantification of the Initiating Event Frequency of Loss of Service Water System in Nuclear Power Plants Via Equipment Reliability Prediction
Pengcheng Peng, Jiejuan Tong, Jun Zhao, Tao Liu, Fan Chen (Tsinghua University, China)
Risk Assessment Methods 2
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 15:20 - 17:20, Exhibition Hall 1-A
Chair: Jan C. Stiller (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit gGmbH, Germany)
Co-Chair: Retsu Kojo (Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1014 The International Common Cause Failure Data Exchange (ICDE) Project – Recent Insights
Jan C. Stiller (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit gGmbH, Germany), Hayat Chatri (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Canada), Gunnar Johanson (AFRY, Sweden), Jeffery Wood (United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1135 Development of comparison methodologies of importance analyses for Level 1 PRA and Level 2 PRA using multiple indicators
Retsu Kojo (Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1183 Optimization of initial value settings for human error probability in the analysis process of improved probabilistic risk assessment models
Kenichi Kanda, Kenichi Ihara, Hiroki Nakamura, Yuki Hirai, Takahiro Usui, Hitoshi Nojima, Satoshi Yoneda, Kazunobu Noriyasu, Yohei Moriya (The Chugoku Electric Power Company, Incorporated, Japan), Daichi Shiota, Naoki Hirokawa (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1187 Study of risk analysis methodology by using the insight from Internal flooding PRA
Yuta Fuwa, Yuichi Makita, Takamasa Kurokawa (Nuclear Engineering, Ltd., Japan), Wataru Oshima, Takeshi Numata (The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan)
Exhibition Hall 1-B
Human Factors and Human Reliability 1
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Andreas Bye (IFE, Institute for Energy Technology, Norway)
Co-Chair: Kenichi Hayase (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1013 Handbook on Interviews for Qualitative Analysis in The Human Reliability Analysis with Emphasis on Narratives
Kenichi Hayase, Daisuke Takeda (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1100 Human Success: Old wine in new bottles, or a shift of mindset for HRA in an automated world?
Andreas Bye (IFE, Institute for Energy Technology, Norway)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1186 ASEAN-ROK exploratory study on nuclear research reactor operating culture among ASEAN NPSR Member States
Wasin Vechgama (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute - Korea National University of Science and Technology, Korea), Jinkyun Park, Joon-Eon Yang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea), Kanokporn Boonsirichai, Weerawat Pornroongruengchok, Kanokrat Tiyapun, Anantachai Pechrak, Saensuk Wetchagarun (Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization), Thailand), Kampanart Silva, Pidpong Janta (National Energy Technology Center, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand), Piyawan Krisanangkura (Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand), Julia Abdul Karim, Phongsakorn Prak Tom, Mazleha Maskin, Ridzuan Abdul Mutalib (Malaysian Nuclear Agency, Malaysia), Ahmad Hassan Sallehudin Mohd Sarif (Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia), Topan Setiadipura, Ratih Luhuring Tyas, Restu Maerani, Mohammad Subekti (National Research and Innovation Agency, Indonesia), Kien Cuong Nguyen, Doan Hai Dang Vo (Dalat Nuclear Research Institute, Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute, Viet Nam), Carlo Arcilla, Dan Mangulabnan, Eugene Gregorio (Philippine Nuclear Research Institute, Philippines)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1244 Needs for change of human reliability analysis for new advanced reactors
Awwal Arigi, Andreas Bye (Institute for energy technology, Norway)
Human Factors and Human Reliability 2
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 15:20 - 17:20, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Gueorgui Ivanov Petkov (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria)
Co-Chair: Yung Hsien James Chang (US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1157 Misjudgment explanation in ambiguous and comparative contexts
Gueorgui Ivanov Petkov (Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Bulgaria)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1111 Exploring Performance Shaping Factors for Human-Autonomy Teams in Automated Driving System Operations
Camila Correa-Jullian, Marilia Ramos, Ali Mosleh, Jiaqi Ma (University of California Los Angeles, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1151 Improving safety and performance in high-risk industries: an approach to human factors analysis through wearable devices
Plinio Ramos, Caio Souto Maior, Marcio Moura, Isis Lins (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1311 IDHEAS Suite for Human Reliability Analysis - - An Overview and Recent Developmental Focuses
Yung Hsien James Chang (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States)
Meeting Room 1
AI, Machine Learning 1
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 1
Chair: Ikuo Kinoshita (Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Inc., Japan)
Co-Chair: Seung Geun Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1029 A Limit Surface Search for PWR LOCA Transients Using Adaptive Machine Learning Techniques
Ikuo Kinoshita (Institute of Nuclear Safety System, Inc., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1059 Enhancing Nuclear Power Plant Safety and Reliability: Integrating Explainable AI for Operator Performance Optimization
Merouane Najar, He Wang (harbin engineering university , China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1086 Application of Open Set Recognition Method for Neural Network-based Models in Nuclear Power Plant
Seung Geun Kim, Young Ho Chae, Seoryong Koo (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1227 Research on intelligent alarms in nuclear power plants based on machine learning
Jianhua Chen (Shenzhen University, China), Sijuan Chen (Shenzhen University, China  , China), Jinye Guo, Ming Yang (Shenzhen University, China, China), Chenxi Zhang, Faqiang Qian (Shenzhen University, China  , China)
AI, Machine Learning 2
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 15:20 - 17:20, Meeting Room 1
Chair: Philipp Mell (Institute of Machine Components, University of Stuttgart, Germany)
Co-Chair: Sijuan Chen (Shenzhen University, China, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1110 AI-based estimation of the duration of reliability demonstration tests for components
Philipp Mell, Martin Dazer (Institute of Machine Components, University of Stuttgart, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1223 Application of AI large models for risk reduction of gynecological tumor diagnosis and treatment
Faqiang Qian, Ming Yang, Sijuan Chen (Shenzhen University, China), Kun Shi, Jie Zhou (Guangzhou Women and Children's Medical Center, China), Chenxi Zhang, Jianhua Chen (Shenzhen University, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1355 Research On the Leakage Identification Method of the Hydrogen Doping Station Site Based On Image Processing
Yao Liu, Haiyang Yu, Xiaopeng Yu (China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China), Qingqing Xu (China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China), Laibin Zhang (China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China), Yuanliang Jiang (Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, PetroChina,, China), Haipeng Liu (Sino-Pipeline International Company Limited, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1360 Intelligent Defects Recognition Method of Weld Radiographic Film Based on YOLO V5
Zhenxiao Guo, Qingqing Xu, Jiawei Huang, Shaohua Dong (China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China), Xingtao Li, Shengyang Yu (China National Oil and Gas Exploration and Development Co, China), Yong Guo (Tarim Oil&Gas Transportation Branch Company of West Pipeline Co.,Ltd,China Oil&Gas Pipeline Network Corporation, China)
Meeting Room 2
Accident Analysis and Modeling 1
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 2
Chair: Michael Hage (Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit, Germany)
Co-Chair: Hiromasa Chitose (HGNE, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1221 Study on the Atmospheric Release of Radioactive Materials in Small modular reactor (SMR) Accidents in Thailand
Piyawan Krisanangkura (Office of Atoms for Peace, Thailand, Thailand), Wasin Vechgama (Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology (Public Organization), Thailand), Kampanart Silva (National Energy Technology Center, National Science and Technology Development Agency, Thailand), Narakhan Khunsrimek (Chulalongkorn University, Thailand)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1255 Verification of water radiolysis model in MAAP5.06
Seiji Yamasaki, Yutaka Yoshida, Hiromasa Chitose (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Japan)
Michael Hage (Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1287 Comparison of LSTF Test (SB-CL-18) and PWR Plant Analysis
Kaho Goto, Hideki Yagihashi, Masashi Sekine, Naofumi Tsukamoto (Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan)
Accident Analysis and Modeling 2
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 15:20 - 17:20, Meeting Room 2
Chair: Robert Hudson (EDF Energy, United Kingdom)
Co-Chair: Duško Kančev (NPP Goesgen-Daeniken AG, Switzerland)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1142 A history and proposed development of the Sizewell B Level 2 PSA
Robert Hudson (EDF Energy, United Kingdom)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1170 Risk Assessment and Design Optimization of Nuclear Power Plant Compressed Air Systems
Jinyan Du, Yuan Ma, Meiru Liu, Jian Yang, Chao Ma (China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1376 Sutudy on Safety analysis of floating nuclear power generaation with PRA
Masao Uesaka (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan), Hiroyuki Nakano (Tokyo Electric Power Comany Holdings, Japan), Daisuke Hara (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1234 Development of Specific PSA-tailored ESDs: A real-case industrial-scale implementation
Rainer Christoph Hausherr, Dusko Kancev (KKG, Switzerland)
Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Risk and Hazard Analyses 1
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Chair: Sung-Min Shin (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
Co-Chair: Pia Humalajoki (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, Finland)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1019 Pilot study on STAMP-based hazard analysis for SMR I&C system: NuScale ECCS
Sung-Min Shin, Seung Ki Shin, Jin Hee Park (Korea Atomic Energy Research institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1058 Development of a STPA tool in consideration of hazard analysis for NPP I&C systems
Sung-Min Shin (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea), Seong Woo Kang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Insititute, Korea), Park Jinkyun (Korea Atomic Energy Research Insititute Korea, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1097 Applicability of STAMP/STPA to the Multi-unit Human Failure Event Analysis for the Multi-unit Accident Safety Assessment
Seong Woo Kang, Jong Woo Park, Sung-Min Shin, Jinkyun Park (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1139 Regulatory viewpoints on risk assessment of spent nuclear fuel final disposal
Pia Humalajoki, Matti Lehto, Ari Julin (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, Finland)
RHA-2. Risk and Hazard Analyses 2
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 15:20 - 17:20, Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Chair: Ali Mosleh (University of California , United States)
Co-Chair: Hiroko Itoh (National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1242 Deriving human-system safety metrics for heavy-duty automated vehicle applications through Concurrent Task Analysis
Anna Sofia Cosmin-Spanoche, Camila Correa-Juillian, Xin Xia, Ali Mosleh, Jiaqi Ma (University of California, Los Angeles, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1283 Exploring ConOps Prototypes for Initial Risk Assessment of Autonomous Ship Operations
Hiroko Itoh, Takeshi Matsuoka (National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1345 Quantitative Risk Analysis of Collisions of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships
Tomohiro Yuzui, Hiroko Itoh (National Maritime Research Institute, National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1377 Development of a risk indicator for ship drift groundings
Spencer Dugan (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway), Ingrid Bouwer Utne (NTNU, Norway)
Meeting Room 4(A,B)
External Hazard PSA/PRA 1
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Chair: Taotao Zhou (China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China)
Co-Chair: Masato Nakajima (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1090 Effectiveness Evaluation of the Measures for Improving Resilience of Nuclear Structures against Excessive Earthquake (1) Fragility Evaluation of Reactor Vessel based on Structural Analysis
Hiroyuki Nishino, Kenichi Kurisaka, Satoshi Futagami, Tomoyoshi Watakabe, Hidemasa Yamano (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1083 Effectiveness Evaluation of the Measures for Improving Resilience of Nuclear Structures against Excessive Earthquake (2) Accident Sequences Analysis
Kenichi Kurisaka, Hiroyuki Nishino, Hidemasa Yamano (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1261 An Overview of Dependency Modeling for Nuclear Plant Seismic Probabilistic Risk Assessment with Open-Source Codes
Taotao Zhou, Laibin Zhang (China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China), Mohammad Modarres (University of Maryland College Park, United States), Enrique Lopez Droguett (University of California Los Angeles, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1193 Enhancement of Seismic Fragility Evaluation of Equipment Considering Correlation and Impact Analyses on Risk Quantification
Masato Nakajima, Yohei Ono (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Toshinobu Kita, Ryotaro Tatsuzawa, Michiyoshi Sato, Takahiro Watanabe (Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., Japan), Shuhei Matsunaka, Ryotaro Sato (TEPCO SYSTEMS CORPORATION, Japan)
External Hazard PSA/PRA 2
Oct. 7 (Mon.), 15:20 - 17:20, Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Chair: Dong-San Kim (KAERI, Korea)
Co-Chair: Ryusuke Haraguchi (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1033 Development of a regulatory model for Seismic Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Seokwoo Sohn (Future & Challenge, Korea), Yein Seo, Jaebeol Hong (Future & Challange, Korea), Kyung Min Kang, Yongjin Kim (Korea Institute of Nuclear Safety, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1163 Study on a Method for Evaluating the Seismic Fragilities Considering the Response Correlation for Seismic PRA
Keita Fujiwara, Toshio Teragaki, Kenta Hibino, Kotaro Kubo (Nuclear Regulation Authority JAPAN, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1177 Study of Detailing Scenarios Leading directly to Core Damage in Seismic PRA (1) Extracting Issues for Introducing Expert Evaluation
Takahiro Watanabe (Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., Japan), Kenichiro Ikuno (The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan), Shuhei Matsunaka (TEPCO SYSTEMS CORPORATION, Japan), Bumpei Fujioka (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Japan), Ryusuke Haraguchi (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd., Japan), Takashi Kato (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Japan), Kensuke Toyoshima (Nuclear Engineering, Ltd., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1192 Study of Detailing Scenarios Leading directly to Core Damage in Seismic PRA(2) Method for Detailing Scenarios Utilizing Expert Judgement
Yuki Nakano (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), Shuhei Matsunaka (Tepco Systems Corporation, Japan), Bumpei Fujioka (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Japan), Takashi Kato (TOSHIBA Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Japan), Kensuke Toyoshima (Nuclear Engineering, Ltd., Japan), Takahiro Watanabe (Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., Japan), Kenichiro Ikuno (The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan)
Oct. 8 (Tue.)
Exhibition Hall 2
Keynote Lecture 1
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 08:30 - 09:15, Exhibition Hall 2
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-KL1 On Becoming Risk-Informed: Lessons Learned from the Past, Present, and (Hopeful) Future of Risk-Informed Applications
Fernando Ferrante (Electric Power Research Institute, United States)
Keynote Lecture 3
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 09:15 - 10:00, Exhibition Hall 2
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-KL3 AI in Nuclear Safety: Lessons from the Past, Insights for the Future
Joon-Eon Yang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
Risk Informed Applications 3
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Stefan Authén (Risk Pilot AB, Sweden)
Co-Chair: Filip Van Opstal (Tractebel ENGIE, Belgium)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1143 EURATOM Project BESEP - Deliverable 4.3 Evaluation of balance in verification efforts of safety margins between different external hazards
Stefan Authén, Carl Sunde, Elias Bradenmark (Risk Pilot AB, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1144 Risk-Informed Methodology for decision-making on Technical Specifications Allowed Outage Times
Stefan Authén, Erik Cederhorn (Risk Pilot AB, Finland)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1148 Risk-Informed PSA Applications within the Belgian Nuclear Context – Findings and Insights
Filip Van Opstal, Federico Agosti (Tractebel ENGIE, Belgium)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1218 Comparison and Examples of Risk-informed Safety Classification in Different Countries
Juho Helander (Jensen Hughes, Finland)
Internal Hazards PSA/PRA 1
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 15:20 - 17:50, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Marina L Roewekamp (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany)
Co-Chair: Tsuyoshi Uchida (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
Tsuyoshi Uchida, Koji Shirai, Motomu Suzuki, Kohei Nonose, Junghoon Ji (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1179 Development of a Fault Tree for Fire Protection Systems in Nuclear Power Plants
Kyungho Jin, Yong Hun Jung, Dae Il Kang (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1182 Case Study about Operator Manual Action Quantification for Fire PSA
Sun Yeong Choi, Dae Il Kang, Yong Hun Jung (Korea Atomic Energy Reserch Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1276 The OECD/NEA Fire Incidents Records Exchange Database – An Overview on Recent PSA-Related Applications
Marina L Roewekamp (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany), Markus Beilmann (OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, France), Laima Kuriene (De Autoriteit Nucleaire Veiligheid en Stralingsbescherming , Netherlands), Andreas Werner (Safety Assessment Consulting, Germany), Eunate Armañanzas Albaizar (Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear , Spain), Hossam Shalabi (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission , Canada), Frantisek Stvan (UJV Rez, Czech Republic), Jan Soedingrekso (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit (GRS) gGmbH, Germany)
Exhibition Hall 1-A
Risk Assessment Methods 3
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 1-A
Chair: Zahra Mohaghegh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States)
Co-Chair: Takafumi Narukawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1067 Tianwan Nuclear Power Plant Units 1-4 Configuration Risk Management Application Practice
Pengfei Zhao (CNNC Jiangsu Nuclear Power Corporation, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1167 Overview of Level 1 PRA (Shutdown State) for Safety Improvement Assessment on Sendai Nuclear Power Station
Hidekazu Suwa, Masaharu Inoue, Maya Nakabayashi, Hiroyuki Nakaya, Norichika Terao, Seishirou Gouhara, Daisuke Konishi (NISHIMU ELECTRONICS INDUSTRIES CO., LTD., Japan), Mitsuharu Sakai, Yuusuke Terasaki, Daigo Hiratsuka, Kenji Shuto (KYUSHU ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1196 Risk Information Utilization Initiatives of Ikata Power Plant Unit-3
Satoshi Niida, Nobuyuki Aono (Shikoku Electric Power CO.,INC., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1402 Probabilistic Validation Methodology for Probabilistic Risk Assessment: Overview, Status, and Future Research Directions
Ha Bui, Hammad Khalid, Tatsuya Sakurahara, Seyed Reihani, Zahra Mohaghegh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States)
Risk Assessment Methods 4
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 15:20 - 17:50, Exhibition Hall 1-A
Chair: Ola Bäckström (RiskSpectrum AB, Germany)
Co-Chair: Merideth Secor (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1365 Risk analysis of electrolytic water hydrogen production and ammonia synthesis process based on STAMP—STPA model
Xuan Zhang (China University of Petroleum,(Beijing), China), Hao Liu, Yao Liu, Qingqing Xu, Yi Shuai (China University of Petroleum(Beijing), China), Xiaojing Zeng, Yu Li (No. 5 Oil Production Plant, Qinghai Oilfield Company, PetroChina, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1366 Is Model-Based Dependability with Knowledge Bases a Tool for the Future?
Ola Bäckström, Pavel Krcal (RiskSpectrum AB, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1152 Integration of Commonalities in the Paradigm of Model-Based Safety Assessment in Aerospace
Isabella Lanzani (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Luca Uliano (Leonardo S.p.a., Italy), Riccardo Scattolini (Politecnico di Milano, Italy)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1336 Implementation of a Holistic Risk Framework for Critical Infrastructure
Merideth Secor, Derek Koolman, Robert Greer (Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency , United States), Jason Reinhardt (Sandia National Laboratories, United States), Kathleen Hill, Eric Watkins (Systems Planning and Analysis, United States)
Exhibition Hall 1-B
Keynote Lecture 2
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 08:30 - 09:15, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Takashi Takata (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-KL2 The Role of Risk Communication in Risk Governance
Yoshihito Takeda (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Keynote Lecture 4
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 09:15 - 10:00, Exhibition Hall 1-B
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-KL4 Engaging Communities in Measuring and Assessing Individual Radiation Exposure: Insights from Post-Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Disaster
Wataru Naito ( National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology , Japan)
Human Factors and Human Reliability 3
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Sunghyon Jang (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Co-Chair: Awwal Arigi (Institute for energy technology, Norway)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1106 Adaptive Automation in Control Rooms: Discussing safety challenges in computerized procedures
Alexandra Fernandes, Rossella Bisio, Andreas Bye (Institute for Energy Technology, Norway)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1189 Development of Human Error Probability Evaluation Model: Direction and Report Between Emergency Operations Facility and External Locations
Daisuke Takeda, Yukihiro Kirimoto, Kenichi Hayase, Kohei Nonose (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1243 Development of a spatiotemporal Integrated Human Reliability Analysis (I-HRA) method
Mohammad Albati, Zahra Mohaghegh, Ha Bui, Seyed Reihani (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1253 Evaluation of human error probability for cognitive and diagnosis task considering environmental influence under a severe accident condition in npp
Sunghyon Jang, Kotaro Miwa (Hokkaido University, Japan), Natsuki Shiraishi, Shuhei Matsunaka (TEPCO Systems Corporation, Japan)
Human Factors and Human Reliability 4
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 15:20 - 17:50, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Ayako Hirose (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
Co-Chair: Tingting Cheng (University of California Los Angeles, United States)
Yongping Qiu, Xiao Tan (Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute Co., Ltd., China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1028 Models and Knowhow for Human Reliability Analysis on Internal Flooding Termination in Internal Flooding Event
Kohei Nonose, Yukihiro Kirimoto, Daisuke Takeda (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1169 Human Performance to a Fire in the Main Control Room of Nuclear Power Plants Leading to Loss of Habitability: Using a Virtual Environment
Ayako Hirose, Daisuke Takeda, Kohei Nonose, Koji Tasaka (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1154 Human errors and influencing factors in digital control rooms: a review and some suggestions
Tingting Cheng, Marilia Ramos, Ali Mosleh (University of California Los Angeles, United States)
Meeting Room 1
AI, Machine Learning 3
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 1
Chair: Hui Sophie Wang (Northeastern University, United States)
Co-Chair: July Bias Macedo (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1150 Quantum Computing for Predicting Environmental Impacts: A Focus on Hydrogen Safety in Industry
July Bias Macedo, Plinio Ramos, Caio Souto Maior, Marcio Moura, Isis Lins (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1149 Enhancing Preventive Measures in Hydrogen Industries: Root Cause Identification Using NLP Techniques
Plinio Ramos, July Bias Macedo, Caio Souto Maior, Marcio Moura, Isis Lins (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1164 A Machine Learning Approach for Predicting Hydrogen Embrittlement in Storage and Transportation Steels
Sandrely Pereira Silva, Caio Souto Maior, Isis Didier Lins, Márcio José Chagas Moura (FEDERAL UNIVERSITY OF PERNAMBUCO, Brazil)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1109 Data-Driven Bayesian Network Models of Hurricane Evacuation Decision Making
Hui Sophie Wang (Northeastern University, United States), Nutchanon Yongsatianchot (Thammasat University, Thailand), Stacy Marsella (Northeastern University, United States)
Reliability Analysis 1
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 1
Chair: Robert Walker Youngblood (Idaho National Laboratory, United States)
Co-Chair: Philipp Heß (University of Wuppertal, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1001 Accelerated Tests as Hypothesis Tests for Reliability using the Probability of Test Success
Alexander Grundler (Robert Bosch GmbH, Germany), Martin Dazer (Institute of Machine Components, University of Stuttgart, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1155 Reliability analysis of telecommunication network from customer damage perspective: An overview of two pivotal techniques
Jia Li, Enrico Zio (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Juan Chen (Beihang University, China), Deyi Wang (Beijing Aerospace Automatic Control Institute, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1092 Systematic Approach to Reliability and Safety Assessment and Enhancement in Design and Operation of Safe Adaptive Load-Bearing Structures
Dshamil Daniel Efinger, Martin Dazer (Institute of Machine Components, University of Stuttgart, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1156 Long-term reliability of dental implants: Development of a multivariate test rig for accelerated testing under realistic conditions
Philipp Heß, Marcel Schmidt, Stefan Bracke (University of Wuppertal, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1341 Relating Measured Component Damage to Assessed Component Reliability in Reliability Integrity Management
Robert Walker Youngblood (Idaho National Laboratory, United States)
Meeting Room 2
Accident Analysis and Modeling 3
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 2
Chair: Jakub Montewka (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)
Co-Chair: Yuichi Onoda (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
Yuichi Onoda, Hiroyuki Nishino, Kenichi Kurisaka, Hidemasa Yamano (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1349 Application of Quantitative Obstacle Zone by Target (OZT) Method to Situation Awareness Assessment for Ship Collision Accident
Rikako Asaumi, Rina Miyake, Hiroko Itoh (National Maritime Research Institute, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1362 Research on emergency evacuation under gas leakage based on social force model
Haiyang Yu (China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China), Ziwen Zhu (East China Engineering Science and Technology Co.,Ltd., China), Zhengping Zhang (Petrochina Yumen Oilfield Company, China), Xuan Zhang (China University of Petroleum (Beijing), China), Qingqing Xu (China University of Petroleum, Beijing, China), Yin Zhong (PetroChina Tuha Oilfield Company, China)
Accident Analysis and Modeling 4
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 2
Chair: Naoki Hirokawa (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Japan)
Co-Chair: Xingsheng Xu (Tsinghua University, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1114 Three-Dimensional Thermal Hydraulic Transient Analysis for Pump Failure in Innovative Small Sodium-Cooled Fast Reactor
Keita Endo, Takashi Abe, Kazuhiro Fujimata, Hirotaka Nakahara (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1235 Intelligent Alarm Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactor Nuclear Power Plant Based on Multi - level Flow Model
Chenxi Zhang, Ming Yang, Sijuan Chen (Shenzhen University, China), Jianhua Chen, Faqiang Qian (Shenzhen University, China, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1303 Study on the influence of ambient temperature and RPV temperature on operation performance of HTR-PM reactor cavity cooling system
Xinsheng Xu (INET, China), Yiyang Ye (CAEP Software Center for High Performance Numerical Simulation, Beijing, China, China), Yanhua Zheng (INET, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1325 Thermal-Hydraulic Response Research of Containment Vessel during a Typical LOCA Accident
Yifan Meng (Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology,Tsinghua University, China), Zixuan Wang, Yan Wang (Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology, Tsinghua University, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1326 Influence and Propagation of Axial Power Distribution Varying on Thermal-Hydraulic Characteristics in a Rod Bundle
Zixuan Wang, Yifan Meng, Yan Wang (Tsinghua University, China)
Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Physical/Cyber Security
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Chair: David Blanchard (Applied Reliability Engineering, Inc., United States)
Co-Chair: Seung Geun Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1180 Assessing Cybersecurity Risks in AI-Based Nuclear Power Plant Operator Support System: A Study on Potential Attacks and Human-Machine Interaction Implications
Young Ho Chae, Seung Geun Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1238 Multiattribute Risk Analysis Techniques in a Cyber Security Application
David Blanchard (Applied Reliability Engineering, Inc., United States), Robert W. Youngblood (Idaho National Laboratory, United States), Mihai A. Diaconeasa (North Carolina State University, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1245 Exploring Dynamics of Response to Simulated School Shootings Based on NPC Influence and Gunman's Proximity
Kevin Kapadia, Katie Byrd (University of Southern California, United States), Nutchanon Yongsatianchot (Thammasat University, Thailand), Stacy Marsella (Northeastern University , United States), Richard John (University of Southern California, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1314 Towards a global conflict heat map informed by climate change stressors
Pragathi Jha (Purdue University, United States), Jason Reinhardt (Sandia National Lab, Purdue University, United States)
Risk and Hazard Analyses 3
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Chair: Dong-San Kim (KAERI, Korea)
Co-Chair: Yasuo Hattori (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1188 Tornado PRA methodology with probabilistic tornado hazard assessment
Yasuo Hattori, Takahiro Murakami, Kota Fujiwara, Daisuke Nohara, Kosuke Namba, Yuzuru Eguchi (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Shunichi Imai (Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., Japan), Takeshi Kunimasa (Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1095 Uncertainty factors in wind hazard analysis for tornado probabilistic risk assessment
Kota Fujiwara, Daisuke Nohara, Yuzuru Eguchi, Hiromaru Hirakuchi, Yasuo Hattori (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1260 Study of risk assessment methodology for tornado
Mikihiro Kato, Takamasa Kurokawa (Nuclear Engineering, Ltd., Japan), Ryohei Shioya, Shinsuke Nakano (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), Wataru Oshima, Takeshi Numata (The Kansai Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan), Takahiro Murakami, Yasuo Hattori (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1103 Efforts to Enhance the PRA Model at Tokai No.2 Power Station
Yuto Kumagai, Jun Ueno (Nuclear Engineering and Services Company, Japan), Masaru Yamanaka, Kazuhiro Sugihara, Takuma Takahashi (The Japan Atomic Power Company, Japan)
Meeting Room 4(A,B)
External Hazard PSA/PRA 3
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Chair: Seung Jun Lee (UNIST, Korea)
Co-Chair: Hiroyuki Yamada (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1128 Upgrading Tsunami PRA for Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2 (1) Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA)
Tomohiro Yokoyama, Shuhei Nakagawa, Takeshi Kanno (Tohoku Electic Power Co., Inc, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1204 Upgrading Tsunami PRA for Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant Unit 2
Atsushi Nishikimi (Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan), Hiroyuki Takahashi, Tsunehito Ootomo (Tohoku Electric Power Co, Japan), Daisuke Sato (Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan), Chikako Ogura (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Japan), Yukihiro Kirimoto, Naoto Kihara (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1190 Proposal of a method for risk quantification under the multi hazard of the earthquake and tsunami for nuclear power plant
Hiroyuki Yamada (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Ryusuke Haraguchi (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD., Japan), Yoshinori Mihara (Kajima Corporation, Japan), Hiromichi Miura, Eishiro Higo (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1053 Compund Hazard Probabilistic Safety Assessment
Hyungjun Kim, Seung Jun Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science & Technology, Korea)
External Hazard PSA/PRA 4
Oct. 8 (Tue.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Chair: Tamas Siklossy (Nuclear Safety Reserch Institute Ltd., Hungary)
Co-Chair: Eishiro Higo (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1159 Proposal of a method for developing a plant response model considering the effects of an impact with a time lag during the progress of an accident
Eishiro Higo, Tsuyoshi Uchida (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1200 PSA for Freezing of River Danube as Ultimate Heat Sink of NPP Paks, Hungary
Tamas Siklossy, Attila Bareith, Bence Burjan (NUBIKI Nuclear Safety Reserch Institute Ltd., Hungary)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1288 The Impact of Climate Change on Swedish Nuclear Facilities - a Litterature Review
Erik Sparre, Per Nystrom, Emma Ulberstad (Risk Pilot, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1407 Improved modelling of external hazards at Forsmark NPP
Julia Ljungbjörk, Simon Sjögren, Anders Karlsson (Forsmark NPP, Sweden), Leo Backhouse Lötman (Risk Pilot AB, Sweden)
Oct. 9 (Wed.)
Exhibition Hall 2
Keynote Lecture 5
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 08:30 - 09:15, Exhibition Hall 2
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-KL5 Overview of Onagawa Nuclear Power Station's Response to the Great East Japan Earthquake and Implementation of Safety Improvement Measures
Tetsuya Matsunaga (Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan)
Keynote Lecture 6
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 09:15 - 10:00, Exhibition Hall 2
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-KL6 Current Status of Fukushima Daiichi Decommissioning: Issues and Perspectives
Moriyasu Abe (Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings, Inc., Japan)
Risk Informed Applications 4
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 10:20 - 11:50, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Naoki Hirokawa (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Japan)
Co-Chair: Xuhong He (RiskSpectrum AB, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1333 Use of Probabilistic Safety Assessment for Configuration Risk Management in a Nuclear Power Plant
Jiaqing Chen (CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd, China), Xuhong He (RiskSpectrum AB, Sweden), Yong Cao (CNNP Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd, China), Yi Zou, Johan Sörman (RiskSpectrum AB, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1357 Enhanced safety of Highly Innovative ABWR
Takao Kondo, Hiromasa Chitose, Naoki Hirokawa, Tomoharu Hashimoto, Tomoaki Okada (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1317 Preliminary Exploration of Exemption Methods for Single Fault Criteria in Nuclear Power Plants
Jin An, Jian Yang, Wei Deng (China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., LTD, China)
Topical Session 1
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Bruce Hallbert (idaho National Laboratory, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-TS1 Research to Sustain the Existing Fleet of Operating Nuclear Power Plants
Bruce P Hallbert, Ronald Laurids Boring, Shawn ST. Germain, Svetlana Lawrence (Idaho National Laboratory, United States), Zahra Mohaghegh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States)
Risk-Informed Performance-Based Regulation 1
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 15:20 - 17:50, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Kevin Coyne (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States)
Co-Chair: Kenta Murakami (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1065 Risk-Informed Licensing Requirements for Manufacturing and Procurement of Components at a new NPP in Hungary
Tamas Siklossy, Attila Bareith, Zoltan Karsa (NUBIKI Nuclear Safety Reserch Institute Ltd., Hungary), Levente Kovacs, Andras Laszlo Szabo (Paks II. Nuclear Power Plant Ltd., Hungary)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1141 Risk Informing Regulatory Oversight of Nuclear Facilities in Finland
Teemu Tapani Soukki, Ari Julin (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of Finland, Finland)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1401 Regulatory Role of PSA in Canada and lessons learned from its use in advanced reactor facilities
Hayat Chatri, Michael Xu, Abderrazzaq Bounagui (Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, Canada)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1307 An Overview of Current Risk-Informed Decision-Making Research Activities at the US Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Kevin Coyne (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1404 Insights from 44 yrs of NRC Fire Protection Inspections
Paul Benjamin Boulden (Appendix R Solutions, Inc., United States)
Exhibition Hall 1-A
Consequence Modeling and Management
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 10:20 - 11:50, Exhibition Hall 1-A
Chair: Yu Maruyama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
Co-Chair: Sergey Galushin (Vysus Group, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1213 A benchmark comparison of Level-3 Probabilistic Safety Assessment codes: preliminary results from first calculation rounds
Gilliam Innis Lucien Van Oudenaren (Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group, Netherlands), Jacques B. Grupa (NRG, Netherlands), Sung-Yeop Kim (KAERI, Korea), Chihiro Suzuki, Kodai Wadayama (NRA, Japan), Azusa Nagakubo (JAEA, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1296 Developing the RASTEP Model: A Methodological Approach and Case Study of the M310 PWR Reactor
Sergey Galushin, Wenjie Qin (Vysus Group, China), Yongyong Yang (China Nuclear Power Operation Technology Corporation, Ltd., China), Anders Olsson (Vysus Group, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1297 Comparative Analysis of Generic RASTEP Models: VVER-1200, Westinghouse 3-Loop PWR
Hafssa Laabadi, Walter Anticona, Timmy Sigfrids, Anders Olsson, Sergey Galushin (Vysus Group, Sweden)
Risk Assessment Methods 5
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 1-A
Chair: Koichi Nakamura (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
Co-Chair: Teddy Fritel (Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire, France)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1009 (1) Overview of the Extension of the Level 2 PRA Standard to Tsunami Events in Japan
Koichi Nakamura (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Ryoichi Hamazaki (Ex-Toshiba Corporation, Japan), Yoshinori Yamakoshi (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1010 (2) Overview of the Requirements of the Level 2 PRA Standard Extended to Tsunami Events in Japan
Yoshinori Yamakoshi (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), Shinichi Kotani (Nuclear Engineering, Ltd., Japan), Natsuki Shiraishi (TEPCO Systems Corporation, Japan), Kazunori Hashimoto (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Yoshinori Mihara (Kajima Corporation, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1201 IRSN level 2 PSA for the French 1300 MW PWRs series: some new features in the updated version
Teddy Fritel, Guillaume Kioseyian, Dominique Corbin, Krystel Dropsy, David Bouhjiti, Nadia Rahni, Emmanuel Raimond (IRSN, France)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1405 Determination of Recovery Time Distributions for Water Supply Systems for Level 2 PRA
Miika Severi Wallius (Teollisuuden Voima Oyj, Finland)
Risk Assessment Methods 6
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 15:20 - 17:50, Exhibition Hall 1-A
Chair: Yasuki Ohtori ( Tokyo City University, Japan)
Co-Chair: Xuhong He (RiskSpectrum AB, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1088 Seismic risk study of typical BWR plant considering inter-period correlation among SSCs
Ryui Tomita, Hitoshi Muta, Yasuki Ohtori (tokyo city university, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1132 Application of inter-period correlation to the seismic PRA model of a nuclear power plant considering the detailed location of the structures and components providing the safety function.
Shion Uno, Hitoshi Muta, Yasuki Ohtori, Izumi Nakamura (Tokyo city university, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1319 Combination Importance Measure Considering Seismic Correlation
Ryoto Kobayashi, Yasuki Ohtori, Hitoshi Muta (Tokyo City University, Japan), Masato Nakajima (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1369 Importance Assessment in PSA with Advanced Calculation Approaches: RiskSpectrum Perspective
Ola Bäckström, Pavel Krcal, Pengbo Wang (RiskSpectrum AB, Sweden)
Exhibition Hall 1-B
Environmental Risk Assessment 1
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 10:20 - 11:50, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Xiaole Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)
Co-Chair: Kiwon Song (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1082 Innovative Stacking Method for Enhanced Data Fusion in Pollutant Population Risk Evaluation
Yudie Jianyao, Xiaole Zhang, Hongyong Yuan, Guofeng Su (Tsinghua University, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1129 Resident risk assessment in nuclear power plant accident integrating on-site and off-site information
Fumie Sebe, Kaoru Matsushita, Mika Tahara, Nobuhisa Takezawa, Hideki Horie (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1222 PRA based radiation dose estimates around Loviisa NPP in case of a severe reactor accident
Benjamin Grigoriadis, Taisto Laato (Fortum, Finland)
Human Factors and Human Reliability 5
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Ali Mosleh (University of California , United States)
Co-Chair: Naoto Kitahara (Toshiba Energy Systems and Solutions Corporation, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1018 Cultural profiles comparison of operators and users in TRR-1/M1
Weerawat Pornroongruengchok (Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology, Thailand), Wasin Vechgama (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1066 Causal Pathways Leading to Decision and Action Human Failure Events: Structures and Validation
Camille S Levine, Ahmad Al-Douri, Katrina M Groth (University of Maryland, College Park, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1091 Development and Implementation of Seismic Human Reliability Analysis in Japan
Chikako Ogura, Yuji Komori, Naoto Kitahara (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutios Corporation, Japan), Tsunehito Otomo (Tohoku Electric Power Co, Japan), Andrea Maioli (Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1395 The Phoenix HRA Approach: Method and Software Planform for Nuclear Power Plant PRA Application
Ali Mosleh (University of California , United States), Marilia Ramos (Universty of California, United States)
Human Factors and Human Reliability 6
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 15:20 - 17:50, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Futoshi Tanaka (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan)
Co-Chair: Roger Lew (University of Idaho, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1269 Nuclear power plant operator performance measurement system for human reliability analysis
Futoshi Tanaka (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), Kenji Mashio (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries LTD, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1334 Experience-Performance Impact Curve (EPIC): A Conceptual Approach to Account for the Moderating Effect of Operator Experience on other Performance Shaping Factors in Human Reliability Modeling
Olugbenga Gideon (University of Idaho, United States), Ronald Laurids Boring (Idaho National Laboratory, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1337 HUNTER Calibration for Dynamic Human Reliability Analysis: Techniques and Applications
Roger Lew (University of Idaho, United States), Ronald L Boring, Thomas A. Ulrich (Idaho National Laboratory, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1397 Research and Application of HRA Dependency Analysis in Nuclear Power Plant
Kunxiu Liu, Wenjing Li, Jiangbin Bai, Shiguang Deng (China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., China)
Meeting Room 1
AI, Machine Learning 4
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 10:20 - 11:50, Meeting Room 1
Chair: Hyeonmin Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
Co-Chair: Oladimeji Benedict Olalusi (Durban University of Technology, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, South Africa)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1247 Bearings’ Vibration Fault Detection via Physics-Informed Deep Learning
Leonardo Streck Raupp, Isis Didier Lins, Caio Bezerra Souto Maior (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil), Thiago Silva Cavalcanti (University of Pernambuco, Brazil), Márcio José Das Chagas Moura (Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil), Gustavo De Novaes Pires Leite (Federal Insitute of Pernambuco, Brazil)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1348 Enhancing Shear Strength Prediction in Stirrup-Less Slender Beams: A Comparative Analysis of Mechanics-Based and Optimized AI Models
Abayomi B David (Stellenbosch University, South Africa), Oladimeji Benedict Olalusi (Durban University of Technology, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, South Africa)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1342 Development of meta-modeling considering dynamic features of multi-unit accidents
Hyeonmin Kim, Sang Hoon Han, Dong-San Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
AI, Machine Learning 5
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 1
Chair: Hiroshi Ujita (AdvanceSoft Corporation, Japan)
Co-Chair: Diego Mandelli (Idaho National Laboratory, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1207 Development of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methodology Using Artificial Intelligence Technology 3. Automatic Fault Tree Creation Tools for Failure Mode Level Fault Tree
Satoshi Futagami, Yuki Kondo, Hidemasa Yamano, Kenichi Kurisaka (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1116 Development of Probabilistic Risk Assessment Methodology Using Artificial Intelligence Technology 4. Automatic Fault Detection Method for Building Reliability Database- Analysis and Classification Method for Incidents with Complex Causal Networks
Hiroshi Ujita, Tatsuya Morimoto (AdvanceSoft Corporation, Japan), Satoshi Futagami, Hidemasa Yamano, Kenichi Kurisaka (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1232 Advance Sensor Signal Validation using Attention-based Deep Learning Models
Chau Thi Thuy Tran, Mario Hoffmann (Institution for Energy, Norway)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1383 From data to knowledge: a graph-based reliability approach to assess system health
Diego Mandelli, Congjian Wang, Chaitee Milind Godbole, Vivek Agarwal (Idaho National Laboratory, United States)
Mathematical Method Reliability
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 1
Chair: Takeshi Matsuoka (Utsunomiya University & National Maritime Research Institute, Japan)
Co-Chair: Takashi Takata (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1047 Availability Analysis of a Loop Structured System - Application of the GO-FLOW methodology to a distributed energy system consisting of a solar panel, a rechargeable battery and a fuel cell -
Takeshi Matsuoka (Utsunomiya University & National Maritime Research Institute, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1051 Characteristics of extrapolation-optimized response surface designs for multivariate reliability modelling and lifetime prediction
Marco Arndt, Martin Dazer (University of Stuttgart, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1172 Quantum Computation For Minimal Cut Set Identification In Fault Trees
Gabriel San Martin, Enrique Lopez (University of California Los Angeles, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1382 Exploring Grover-enhanced QAOA for Minimal Cut Set Identification
Gabriel San Martin, Enrique Lopez Droguett (University of California Los Angeles, United States)
Meeting Room 2
Multi-Unit, Multi-Source PSA/PRA 1
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 10:20 - 11:50, Meeting Room 2
Chair: Jun Zhao (Tsinghua university, China)
Co-Chair: Makoto Takahashi (Tohoku University, Japan)
Ao Liu, Tao Liu, Jiejuan Tong, Jun Zhao (Tsinghua University, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1050 Development of a methods for evaluating the frequency of accidents related to multiple storage tanks and multiple events at the Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant
Masahiro Yamamoto, Kazumi Takebe, Takashi Kodama (JAPAN NUCLEAR FUEL LIMITED, Japan), Futoshi Tanaka (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd, Japan), Isao Hongo (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), Asei Kawasaki (MHI NS Engineering Co., Ltd., Japan), Makoto Takahashi (Tohoku University, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1313 Development of Computational Model for Multi-Point Environmental Release of Radionuclides
Juryong Park, Siho Jang, Eung Soo Kim (Seoul National University, Korea), Sung-Yeop Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
Multi-Unit, Multi-Source PSA/PRA 2
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 2
Chair: Sunghyon Jang (Hokkaido University, Japan)
Co-Chair: Jean Carlo Salazar (Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group, Netherlands)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1176 A Hybrid Approach for a Multi-unit Probabilistic Risk Model using the Direct Quantification of a Fault Tree using Monte Carlo Simulation and the minimal cutset method
Shota Soga, Hiromichi Miura, Eishiro Higo (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1178 Proposal of an evaluation framework for seismic level 1 multi-unit PRA
Hiromichi Miura, Shota Soga, Eishiro Higo (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1327 PSA Level 1-2-3 uncertainty propagation
Jean Carlo Salazar (Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group, Netherlands), Hans Brinkman (Nuclear Research and Consultancy Group Netherlands, Netherlands)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1363 Multi-Unit PSA Based on Multi-Unit Sequences
Ola Bäckström, Pavel Krcal (RiskSpectrum AB, Germany), Futoshi Tanaka (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries LTD, Japan), Pengbo Wang (RiskSpectrum AB, Sweden)
Accident Analysis and Modeling 5
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 2
Chair: Sergey Galushin (Vysus Group, Sweden)
Co-Chair: Tomohiko Ikegawa (Hitachi, Ltd., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1175 Best Estimate Plus Uncertainty Analysis of Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents for IRIS
Changzheng Yin (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1295 Uncertainty Analysis of Fission Products Release in Filtered Venting Scenarios for Nordic BWRs: Assessing the Effect of Independent Spray System
Sergey Galushin (Vysus Group, Sweden), Govatsa Acharya, Dmitry Grishchenko, Pavel Kudinov (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1274 Study on Safety of Advanced Integrated Natural Circulation Reactor of NHR200-II under LOCA Condition
Yan Wang, Zixuan Wang, Yifan Meng (Tsinghua University, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1316 Corium Shield and Pedestal Flooding Severe Accident Analysis for Small Modular Reactor BWRX-300
Nassim Florian Sahboun, Takayuki Someya, Tomohiko Ikegawa (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy,LtD., Japan), Home Deepayan (GE Hitachi Nuclear Energy-GE Vernova, Canada)
Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Digital Transformation
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 10:20 - 11:50, Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Chair: Mohamed Hibti (Electricité de France, France)
Co-Chair: Hideo Soneda (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1113 Use of 360-degree Camera for PRA Plant Walkdown
Bumpei Fujioka, Naoki Hirokawa (Hitachi-GE Nuclear energy, Japan), Kazuki Morishima, Yohhei Sugimoto (Hitachi, Ltd., Japan), Kenichi Ihara, Kenichi Kanda, Kazunobu Noriyasu (The Chugoku Electric Power Company, Incorporated, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1212 Towards intelligent methodologies for uncertainty quantification in civil nuclear energy safety
Yu Chen, Edoardo Patelli (University of Strathclyde, United Kingdom)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1398 Enhancing PSA Activities with Andromeda: A Decade of Evolution, Challenges, and Training Insights
Mohamed Hibti (Electricité de France, France), Sebastien Vermuse (Edvance, France), Vincent Rolland (EDF DIPDE, France), Picoco Claudia, Romain Roy (EDF R&D, France), Stéphane Puyaubreau (Edvance, France), François Sauvaget (EDF R&D, France), Benoit Alessis (EDF DT, France), François Cherpin (EDF DIPDE, France)
Risk and Hazard Analyses 4
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Chair: Byunghyun Choi (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
Co-Chair: Zhixin Xu (China General Nuclear Power Group, Clean Energy Technology(Shanghai) Co.,Ltd, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1052 A Methodology Based on Flooding Subsection to Analyze the Safety of Costal Nuclear Power Plant Against External Flooding
Zhixin Xu (China General Nuclear Power Group, Clean Energy Technology(Shanghai) Co.,Ltd, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1166 Basic study on seismicity smoothing based on quantification of uncertainty due to lack of knowledge
Minoru Matsubara (TAISEI CORPORATION, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1165 Development of a probabilistic risk assessment method for combined hazards : A classification and modeling framework for multihazard events
Byunghyun Choi, Akemi Nishida (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan), Hideaki Tsutsumi (Total Support System Corporation, Japan), Tsuyoshi Takada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1289 Recent PSA developments and use of PSA applications in Belgium
Etienne Claus (Bel V, Belgium)
Internal Hazards PSA/PRA 2
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Chair: Koji Shirai (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
Co-Chair: Albena Tzenova Stoyanova (KKL, Switzerland)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1044 Simplified method to predict time to fire-induced electrical failure of cables in two-layer zone model BRI2-CRIEPI
Koji Tasaka (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan), Toshiko Udagawa (WDB Co., Ltd., Japan), Koji Shirai, Junghoon Ji (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1409 Coupling Simulation Driven Fire Risk Analysis in 3D (FRI3D) with Probabilistic Safety Analysis using Risk Spectrum PSA
Ramprasad Sampath (CENTROID LAB, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1096 Approach to & Insights from Detailed Fire Simulation Studies at Leibstadt NPP
Albena Tzenova Stoyanova (KKL, Switzerland), Pavol Zvoncek, Olivier Nusbaumer (Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant, Switzerland), Devi Kompella, Karthik Ravichandran, Vignesh Anandan (RELSAFE PRA Consulting Private Limited (An Assystem Company), India)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1098 Evaluation of Fire-Induced Multiple Spurious Operations at Leibstadt NPP
Albena Tzenova Stoyanova (KKL, Switzerland), Pavol Zvoncek, Olivier Nusbaumer (Leibstadt Nuclear Power Plant, Switzerland), Devi Kompella, Karthik Ravichandran, Vignesh Anandan (RELSAFE PRA Consulting Private Limited (An Assystem Company), India)
Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Maintenance Modelling and Optimization 1
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 10:20 - 11:50, Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Chair: Carroll Trull (Engineering Planning and Management Inc., United States)
Co-Chair: Wei Wang (City University of Hong Kong, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1406 Maintenance Decision-Making Optimization for Quality Degrading Production Systems through Deep Reinforcement Learning
Chiye Ma, Wei Wang (City University of Hong Kong, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1104 Automated PSA Platform Conversion
Carroll Trull (Engineering Planning and Management Inc., United States), Yuji Komori, Go Tanaka (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1173 Research on acceptable criteria and calculation method of maintenance rule performance index
Gu Xiaohui (CNNP Operation Maintenance Co.,Ltd, China)
Dynamic PSA/PRA 1
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Chair: Xiaoyu Zheng (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
Co-Chair: Tanja Eraerds (Gesellschaft für Reaktor und Anlagensicherheit, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1026 Development of Risk Importance Measures for Dynamic PRA Based on Risk Triplet (1) The Concept and Measures of Risk Importance
Takafumi Narukawa, Takashi Takata (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Xiaoyu Zheng, Hitoshi Tamaki, Yasuteru Shibamoto, Yu Maruyama, Tsuyoshi Takada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1138 Development of Risk Importance Measures for Dynamic PRA Based on Risk Triplet (2) Trial Measurement of Risk Importance Through Dynamic Level 2 PRA With RAPID
Xiaoyu Zheng, Hitoshi Tamaki, Yasuteru Sibamoto, Yu Maruyama, Tsuyoshi Takada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan), Takafumi Narukawa, Takashi Takata (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1074 Proposal of Uncertainty Analysis Methodology for L1PRA in Accordance with Markov State-transition Model
Masanobu Haruhara, Hitoshi Muta (Tokyo City University, Japan)
Florian Berchtold, Tanja Eraerds (Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit gGmbH, Germany)
Dynamic PSA/PRA 2
Oct. 9 (Wed.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Chair: Christoph Döderlein (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, France)
Co-Chair: Jinkyun Park (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1054 Identifying the dynamic effect of manual responses on the progression of a steam generator tube rupture accident - A case study
Jinkyun Park, Hyeonmin Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1302 Enhancing Realism in a Spent Fuel Pool PSA: Dynamic Repair Modelling and Realistic Mission Times
Anders Olsson, Frida Olofsson (Vysus sweden AB, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1305 ABSTRACT Dynamic reliability and safety analyses for a passive safety system of VVER440 type reactor Zoltan Kovacs, Pavol Hlavac and Robert Spenlinger RELKO Ltd., Engineering and Consulting Services Racianska 75, 83008 Bratislava, Slovakia
Zoltan Kovacs (RELKO spol. s r.o., Slovakia)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1267 Benchmark on dynamic PRA with simplified decay heat removal system model of sodium fast reactor – Part1 (benchmark analysis condition and thermodynamic model results)
Koki Ihara (Mitsubishi Heavy Industry, Ltd., Japan), Atsushi Matsumoto (MHI NS Engineering, Japan), Christoph Döderlein (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, France), Hidemasa Yamano (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan), Akihiro Shibata (MITSUBISHI FBR SYSTEMS, INC., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1277 Benchmark on dynamic PRA with simplified decay heat removal system model of sodium fast reactor – Part2 (DPRA problem description and benchmark results)
Christoph Döderlein (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission, France), Koki Ihara (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd., Japan), Atsushi Matsumoto (MHI NS Engineering, Japan), Hidemasa Yamano (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan), Akihiro Shibata (MITSUBISHI FBR SYSTEMS, INC., Japan)
Oct. 10 (Thu.)
Exhibition Hall 2
Keynote Lecture 7
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 08:30 - 09:15, Exhibition Hall 2
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-KL7 Challenges for Risk-informed Regulation in Japan
Toshiyuki Koganeya (Nuclear Regulation Authority Japan, Japan)
Keynote Lecture 8
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 09:15 - 10:00, Exhibition Hall 2
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-KL8 Exploring Appropriate Risk Metrics for Advanced Nuclear Energy System
Jiejuan Tong (Tsinghua University, China)
Risk Informed Applications 5
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 10:20 - 11:50, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Fernando Ferrante (Electric Power Research Institute, United States)
Co-Chair: Yoshiyuki Narumiya (Japan Nuclear Safety Institute, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1115 Study on the safety measures and risk-informed safety improvement measures implemented at Japan’s nuclear power plants
Wataru Oshima, Takeshi Numata, Tomohiko Inui (The Kansai Electric Power Co.,Inc Japan, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1195 PRA and Additional Measures in 3rd Safety Improvement Evaluation of Ikata Power Plant Unit-3
Kanto Yamasaki, Nobuyuki Aono (Shikoku Electric Power CO.,INC., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1171 Extraction of Additional Measures based on Safety Improvement Assessment
Kentaro Kawazu, Daigo Hiratsuka, Masato Nishimura, Yoshihiro Ide, Tomomi Uchida (Kyushu Electric Power Co.,Inc, Japan), Kouichi Ohta, Osamu Saramoto, Shoichi Nose (Nishimu Electronics Industries Co.,Ltd, Japan)
Topical Session 2
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Kevin Coyne (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-TS2 Emerging PSA Needs with respect to Advanced Reactor Technologies
Kevin Coyne (U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, United States), Michelle Bensi (University of Maryland, United States), Seung Jun Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea), Zahra Mohaghegh (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, United States), Eric Thornsbury (Electric Power Research Institute, United States)
Topical Session 3
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 15:20 - 17:50, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Yoshiyuki Narumiya (Japan Nuclear Safety Institute, Japan)
Co-Chair: Fernando Ferrante (Electric Power Research Institute, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-TS3 RIDM Activities of Japanese Utilities
Yoshiyuki Narumiya (Japan Nuclear Safety Institute, Japan), Fernando Ferrante (Electric Power Research Institute, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-TS3-1 Risk Management Activities at Tomari Nuclear Power Station
Yasunobu Suzuki, Masayoshi Kayukawa, Shinichiro Yasui, Kenta Kobayashi, Kentaro Ikka (Hokkaido Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-TS3-2 Application of Risk Information on Various Hazards to Plant Operation at Onagawa Nuclear Power Station
Shinnosuke Masuda, Atsushi Nishikimi, Kuniaki Suzuki (Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-TS3-3 Status of Risk Informed Approach in TEPCO(KK Plant)
Ryu Harada, Iwao Yoshioka, Masayuki Hiraide, Tomohiro Kagawa, Minoru Suzuki (Tokyo Electric Power Company, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-TS3-4 Utilization of risk information at Hamaoka Nuclear Power Station.
Takuya Yamazaki, Shigo Tsumura, Akira Takeshita, Tomoaki Naganawa, Takayoshi Muramatsu (Chubu Electric Power, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-TS-3-5 Implementation of risk-informed component isolation prior to periodic inspection at nuclear power plants
Kazuhito Fukuda, Mareto Yamakawa, Kenichiro Ikuno, Takeshi Kunimasa, Takeshi Nishikawa (The Kansai Electric Power Co.,Inc, Japan)
Exhibition Hall 1-A
Risk Assessment Methods 7
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 10:20 - 11:50, Exhibition Hall 1-A
Chair: Jakub Montewka (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)
Co-Chair: Takuya Nakashima (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1045 A framework for ship-ship collision risk assessment based on ALARP principle
Filip Zarzycki (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland), Mateusz Gil (Gdynia Maritime University, Poland), Douglas Owen (Aalto University, Finland), Jakub Montewka (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1308 Towards Safety Assessment of Autonomous Ships: Integration of STPA and Scenario-Based Analysis
Takuya Nakashima (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1368 Research on the Risk Criteria for Nuclear Facilities in Nuclear Powered Icebreakers
Yingbin Gu (CNNP Oceanic Nuclear Power Development Co.,Ltd., China), Yichun Wang (North China Electric Power University, China), Hongru Zhao (Tsinghua university, China), Yi Lin (CNNP Oceanic Nuclear Power Development Co.,Ltd., China)
Risk Assessment Methods 8
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 1-A
Chair: Woo Sik Jung (Sejong UNiversity, Korea)
Co-Chair: Patrick Gebhardt (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1203 How to solve noncoherent fault trees by zero-suppressed ternary decision diagram algorithm for probabilistic safety assessment of nuclear power plants
Woo Sik Sik Jung (Sejong UNiversity, Korea), Seong Kyu Park (Nuclear Engineering Services & Solutions, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1248 FTA – Review of approaches for verification / presentation of failure tolerance
Per Hellström (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1257 Effect of ground motion uncertainly on seismic risk in the frame of RI-PB
Daichi Ogawa, Yasuki Ohtori, Hitoshi Muta (Tokyo City University, Japan)
Patrick Gebhardt (Gesellschaft für Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit, Germany)
Risk Assessment Methods 9
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 15:20 - 17:50, Exhibition Hall 1-A
Chair: Takashi Takata (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Co-Chair: Xiaoyu Zheng (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1060 Probabilistic Risk Assessment for the Transition Phase of Decommissioning of BWR-6 Mark-III Nuclear Power Plant
Yi-Cheng Tian, Chen-Che Hsu, Po-Jung Chiu (National Atomic Research Institute, Taiwan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1318 Study on Public Exposure Risk Assessment for Dismantling of Radioactive Components in Decommissioning Phase of Nuclear Reactor Facilities
Taro Shimada (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan), Kazuhiko Kabata (Nippon Advanced Information Service, Japan), Shizuka Takai, Seiji Takeda (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1184 Probabilistic Approach for Best Estimate of Fuel Rod Fracture
Hiroki Tanaka, Takafumi Narukawa, Takashi Takata (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1286 Analysis and Frequency Study on LOCA Initiating Events in High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor
Yu Jing Li, Quan Fang Tan, Fei Kang, Tao Wen Zhu, Fang Lu (Chinergy Co., LTD, China)
Exhibition Hall 1-B
Environmental Risk Assessment 2
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 10:20 - 11:50, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Sung-Yeop Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
Co-Chair: Kazumasa Shimada (JANUS, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1266 Development of Level 3 PSA Event Tree Model for Probabilistic Assessment of the Offsite Alarm Time
Kiwon Song, Sung-Yeop Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1273 Influence of spatial grids setting on the results and speed of offsite consequence analysis
Seunghwan Kim, Sung-Yeop Kim (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1280 Offsite Consequence Analyses Reflecting Evacuation Alarm Times Evaluated by Level 3 PSA Event Tree Model
Sung-Yeop Kim, Kiwon Song (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute, Korea)
Resilience Engineering 1
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 13:00 - 15:00, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Vytis Kopustinskas (Europan Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy)
Co-Chair: Kampanart Silva (National Energy Technology Center, Thailand)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1246 On The Role of Adaptations in Organizational Crisis Management – A Conceptual Framework
Henrik Hassel, Alexander Cedergren (Lund University, Sweden)
Vytis Kopustinskas (Europan Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy), Evaldas Dirgincius (NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, Lithuania), Charles Lynn (Naval Postgraduate School, United States), Isabel Asensio Bermejo (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Italy), Lawrence Walzer (Naval Postgraduate School, United States), Darius Aukscionis (NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, Lithuania), Hrvoje Foretic (European Commission, Joint Research Centre, Netherlands)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1321 Development of Conceptual Framework for Adaptive State for Energy Resilience Assessment of Clean Energy Systems
Pidpong Janta, Kampanart Silva (National Energy Technology Center, Thailand), Takashi Takata, Takafumi Narukawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan), Nuwong Chollacoop (National Energy Technology Center, Thailand)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1354 Application of resilience curve for evaluation of change over time of risks in clean energy systems
Kampanart Silva, Pidpong Janta, Khemrath Vithean (National Energy Technology Center, Cambodia), Nofri Yenita Dahlan, Nurfadzilah Ahmad, Muhammad Azfar Shamil Bin Abd Aziz (Solar Research Institute, Malaysia), Wasin Vechgama (Thailand Institute of Nuclear Technology, Thailand), Mohd Rahimi Abd Rahman, Musaab Ab Kadir, Norzarina Omar (UiTM Energy & Facilities Sdn Bhd, Malaysia), Nuwong Chollacoop (National Energy Technology Center, Thailand)
Resilience Engineering 2
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 15:20 - 17:50, Exhibition Hall 1-B
Chair: Makoto Takahashi (Tohoku University, Japan)
Co-Chair: Nuo Yong (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, HFIPS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1030 Application of Positive Lesson Learning Method to Mihama-2 SGTR Accident
Yuto Horiuchi, Makoto Takahashi (Tohoku University, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1071 Measuring the resilience for the human reliability of group in Multi-Unit Nuclear Power Plants
Nuo Yong, Daochuan Ge (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, HFIPS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China), Shaoxuan Wang (University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China, China), Feipeng Wang, Dongqin Xia (Institute of Nuclear Energy Safety Technology, HFIPS, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1122 Integration of Panic Models into Platform for Radiological Emergency Agent-based Integrated Simulation Model
Minho Hwang, Geon Kim, Joonseok Lim, Sungmin Han, Gyunyoung Heo (KyungHee University, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1124 Optimizing Infrastructure Operation during Radiological Evacuation using PRISM and Reinforcement Learning
Joonseok Lim, Minho Hwang, Geon Kim, Sungmin Han, Gyunyoung Heo (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1130 Evaluating the Efficiency of Staged Evacuation in Radiological Emergencies using Agent-Based Modeling
Sungmin Han, Minho Hwang, Geon Kim, Joonseok Lim, Gyunyoung Heo (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
Meeting Room 1
Structural Reliability Analysis Methods
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 10:20 - 11:50, Meeting Room 1
Chair: Erik Vanem (DNV, Norway)
Co-Chair: Yu Zhang (China Productivity Center for Machinery Co.,Ltd. Beijing, China, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1003 Comparing Environmental Contours and a Sequential Sampling Method for Probabilistic Structural Reliability Assessment: A Case Study On Offshore Wind Turbines
Erik Vanem, Hong Wang, Odin Gramstad (DNV, Norway)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1282 Reliability and Critical Sensitivity Analysis of Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger Structure Based on Monte Carlo Sampling Method
Yu Zhang (China Productivity Center for Machinery Co.,Ltd. Beijing, China, China), Ming Yang, Jiaqing Chen (CNNC Nuclear Power Operation Management Co., LTD Zhejiang, China, China), Kun Tan, Yichen Zhang (China Productivity Center for Machinery Co.,Ltd. Beijing, China, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1351 Research on the structural integrity of HTGR reactor pressure vessels by using probabilistic fracture mechanics
Bowen Li (Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology of Tsinghua University, China), Haitao Wang (Institute of Nuclear and New Energy Technology (INET) of Tsinghua University, China)
AI, Machine Learning 6
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 1
Chair: Valentin Rychkov (Electricité de France, France)
Co-Chair: Vivek Agarwal (Idaho National Laboratory, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1087 Deep Autoencoding Gaussian Mixture Model for Detection of Manipulation Attacks on NPP Process Data
Junyong Bae, Ji Hyeon Shin, Seung Jun Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1094 Deep Learning Model for Predicting Future Trends of NPP Parameters with Accident Trend Predictor and Operator Action Impact Evaluator
Donghee Jung, Junyong Bae, Seung Jun Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1386 Condition-Based Maintenance of a Circulating Water System of a Canadian Nuclear Power Plant using Machine Learning and Statistical Tools
Chaitee M Godbole, Congjian Wang, Vivek Agarwal, Diego Mandelli (Idaho National Laboratory, United States), Mohammad Movassat, Brian Mori, Eddy Nur, Amir Birjandi, Bryan Lobo, Natalia Murica Jacome (Ontario Power Generation, Canada)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1335 Impact of Generative AI (Large Language Models) on the PRA model construction and maintenance, observations.
Valentin Rychkov, Claudia Picoco, Caleca Emilie (Electricité de France, France)
Reliability Analysis 2
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 1
Chair: Yu Yu (North China Electric Power University, China)
Co-Chair: Sergey Galushin (Vysus Group, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1056 Reliability Analysis of Passive Containment Cooling System Using GO-FLOW Methodology
Shuanghan Ling (Chengdu Hezong Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd, China), Jun Yang, Chuanlong Jiang (South China University of Technology, China), Wanqing Chen (China Ship Development and Design Center, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1101 A Hybrid Method for Reliability Modeling of Reactor Protection Systems
Xiwen Xie, Changhong Peng (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1140 The effect of air temperature probability distribution form on the system reliability of PCCS in AP1000
Yu Yu (North China Electric Power University, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1197 Reliability Assessment of Passive Isolation Condenser System of AHWR Based on Artificial Neural Network
Hong Jiang (University of Science and Technology of China, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1294 Reliability Assessment of Passive Isolation Condenser System of BWRX-300
Graeme Trundle (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden), Sergey Galushin (Vysus Group, Sweden), Sean Roshan Ghias (, Sweden), Anders Olsson (Vysus Group, Sweden), Michael Söderström (Vattenfall AB, Sweden), Sevostian Bechta (Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden)
Meeting Room 2
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis 1
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 10:20 - 11:50, Meeting Room 2
Chair: Yuichi Naito (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry , Japan)
Co-Chair: Oladimeji Benedict Olalusi (Durban University of Technology, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, South Africa)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1002 Distribution-free stochastic model updating for the Physics-guided reliability analysis of a material thermal property under limited data
Adolphus Lye (National University of Singapore, Singapore), Scott Ferson (University of Liverpool, United Kingdom), Sicong Xiao (National University of Singapore, Singapore)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1072 Sensitivity analyses of COMIDA2 parameters in WinMACCS on Japanese food doses
Yuichi Naito, Ryogo Kurokawa, Masaharu Tsuzaki (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1347 Exploring Uncertainty in Shear Resistance of Reinforced Concrete Beams Without Stirrups: Modeling and Assessment
Abayomi B David (Stellenbosch University, South Africa), Oladimeji Benedict Olalusi (Durban University of Technology, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa, South Africa), Imrose B Muhit (Teesside University, United Kingdom)
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis 2
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 2
Chair: Man Cheol Kim (Chung-ang University, Korea)
Co-Chair: Takafumi Narukawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1034 Development of Source Term Uncertainty Analysis Framework for BWR Plants Using MAAP Code
Hiroki Osato, Yoshihiro Kojima, Yoshiro Nishioka, Hisaki Sato (Toshiba Energy Systems & Solutions Corporation, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1119 Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis in Large-LOCA Scenarios Using MAAP and WinMACCS
Ryogo Kurokawa, Masaharu Tsuzaki (Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1073 A Bayesian approach for designing experiments based on information criteria to reduce prediction uncertainty of fuel fracture during LOCA
Shusuke Hamaguchi, Takafumi Narukawa, Takashi Takata (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1220 Uncertainty analysis for human reliability analysis with Empirical Bayes method and Kass-Steffey adjustment
Gyun Seob Song, Man Cheol Kim (Chung-Ang University, Korea)
Risk-Informed Performance-Based Regulation 2
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 2
Chair: Jan-Erik Holmberg (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, Finland)
Co-Chair: Per Hellström (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1036 Implementing an Objectives-Driven, Risk-Informed, and Case-Assured Approach to Safety and Mission Success at NASA
Homayoon Dezfuli (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States), Chris Everett, Bob Youngblood (Idaho National Laboratory, United States), Matt Forsbacka (National Aeronautics and Space Administration, United States)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1249 Review of probabilistic acceptance criteria and their relation to radiological acceptance criteria
Per Hellström (Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Sweden)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1005 Research on Regulatory Safety Performance Indicators for High-temperature Gas-cooled Reactor
Guoxu Zhang (Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute Co., Ltd., China), Jing Wu (Huaneng Shandong Shidao Bay Nuclear Power Company Co., Ltd. , China), Binbin Zhang, Lu Chen (Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute Co., Ltd., China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1021 Preliminary Study on the Safety Assessment System for Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities
Hongchun Ding (Harbin Institute of Technology, China), Cui Mao (Tsinghua Unviersity, China), Guohua Wu (Shenzhen Technology University, China), Wei Wang (City University of Hong Kong, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1134 A tool for risk-informed graded approach for regulatory oversight of nuclear facilities
Jan-Erik Holmberg, Ari Julin (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, Finland)
Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Industrial Safety 1
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 10:20 - 11:50, Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Chair: Taotao Zhou (China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China)
Co-Chair: Tsu-Mu Kao (National Atomic Research institute, Taiwan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1007 External Corrosion Assessment of Oil and Gas Pipelines using 1D Convolutional Neural Network
Fengyi Lan, Taotao Zhou (China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China), Bingcai Sun (CNPC Research Institute of Safety and Environment Protection Technology, China), Yuntao Li, Qingqing Xu, Laibin Zhang (China University of Petroleum-Beijing, China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1063 Risk mitigation effectiveness for LNG terminal station
Chiahui Huang, Tai-Hung Wu, Tsu-Mu Kao (National Atomic Research institute, Taiwan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1160 Immersive Game Development for Safety Training in the Process Industries
Davi Caldas, Plinio Ramos, Caio Souto Maior, Isis Lins, Marcio Moura (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil)
Industrial Safety 2
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Chair: Jakub Montewka (Gdansk University of Technology, Poland)
Co-Chair: Tsuyoshi Ito (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1037 Reduction of occupational radiation exposure nuclear power plant using chemical decontamination
Tsuyoshi Ito (Hitachi-GE Nuclear Energy, Ltd., Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1107 Statistical survey on the Prevention of Major Accidents (MA) in the EU Member States in 2000-2020 (focusing on the identification of causes and affected facilities)
Katarina Holla (University of Zilina, Slovakia)
Ievgen Medvediev (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland), Dmitriy Muzylyov (State Biotechnological University, Ukraine), Jakub Montewka (Gdańsk University of Technology, Poland)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1350 Probabilistic approach to risk assessment for alternative design of hydrogen fuel tank arrangements on small ships
Junichi Kudo, Arata Kimura, Hiroko Itoh, Hideyuki Oka (National Institute of Maritime, Port and Aviation Technology National Maritime Research Institute, Japan)
Internal Hazards PSA/PRA 3
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 3(A,B)
Chair: Isabelle Miramon (IRSN, France)
Co-Chair: Anders Olsson (Vysus Sweden AB, Sweden)
Meiru Liu, Fengjun Li, Qingqing Xu, Jian Yang (China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1217 Risk Analysis of Large Radioactive Release Caused by Internal Flooding in HPR1000
Shujie Guo, Jing Liu, Yu Liu, Wei Wei (China Nuclear Power Engineering Co., Ltd., China)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1408 Challenges to develop and draw relevant lessons from the Level 1 Internal Flooding PSA
Isabelle Miramon, Kimlee Bourgeois, Guillaume Kioseyian, Gabriel Georgescu, Emmanuel Raimond (IRSN, France)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1263 PSA of the Spent Fuel Pools at Oskarshamn 3
Anders Olsson, Sebastian Jovancic (Vysus Sweden AB, Sweden)
Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Maintenance Modelling and Optimization 2
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 10:20 - 11:50, Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Chair: Wei Wang (City University of Hong Kong, China)
Co-Chair: Kenta Murakami (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1046 Availability Analysis of Heliotron J water-cooling system by the GO-FLOW methodology
Takeshi Matsuoka (Utsunomiya University & National Maritime Research Institute, Japan), Shinji Kobayashi, Kazunori Morishita, Hidekazu Yoshikawa (Kyoto University, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1372 Modeling for maintenance using system reliability model with degradations in multiple components and their interactions
Suzune Katayama, Kenta Murakami (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1373 Development of Risk Informed Aging Management Program in Decommissioning
Masao Uesaka (Nagaoka University of Technology, Japan), Kenta Murakami (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
Dynamic PSA/PRA 3
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 13:00 - 15:00, Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Chair: Hassane Chraibi (Electricité de France, France)
Co-Chair: Renan Guedes Maidana (SINTEF Ocean AS, Norway)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1006 Interoperability of Physical Simulation Models and Probabilistic Reliability Assessment Tools: A Case Study on Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning Systems
Hassane Chraibi, Richard Quatrain, Pascal Borel, Youssef Hammadi, Philippe Carer (Electricité de France, France)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1133 Development of Post-processing Method for Extracting Success Criteria in Dynamic Event Tree Analysis
Yongjoon Lee, Yuntae Gwak, Dohun Kwon, Gyunyoung Heo (KyungHee University, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1202 Automatic Accident Sequences Generation for Dynamic PSA
Wooseok Jo, Junyong Bae, Seung Jun Lee (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1361 Towards the Use of Temporal Convolutional Networks for Guiding Dynamic Risk Assessment Methods
Renan Guedes Maidana (SINTEF Ocean, Norway), Yiliu Liu (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
Dynamic PSA/PRA 4
Oct. 10 (Thu.), 15:20 - 17:50, Meeting Room 4(A,B)
Chair: Florian Berchtold (Gesellschaft fuer Anlagen- und Reaktorsicherheit gGmbH, Germany)
Co-Chair: Takafumi Narukawa (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1070 Preliminary Study for Branch Probability Estimation in Level 2 PSA with DICETM and MELCOR
Dohun Kwon, Gyunyoung Heo (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1112 Development of complex external event scenarios using dynamic event trees in DICE
Yuntae Gwak, Gyunyoung Heo (Kyung Hee University, Korea)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1123 Application of Dynamic PRA to Nuclear Power Plant Operation Support - Evaluation of Plant Operation Support Using a Simple Plant Model -
Nami Yamamoto, Mami Kagimoto, Yohei Ueno (Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Japan), Takafumi Narukawa, Takashi Takata (The University of Tokyo, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1258 Uncertainty Estimation for Human-System Interactions – Recent Developments and Application of the MCDET Crew Module
Tanja Eraerds, Ines Mateos Canals, Josef Scheuer, Jan Soedingrekso (Gesellschaft für Reaktor und Anlagensicherheit, Germany)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-1381 Bridging the gap between Static and Dynamic Probabilistic Assessment: a step forward
Claudia Picoco, Valentin Rychkov (Electricité de France, France)
Oct. 11 (Fri.)
Exhibition Hall 2
Topical Session 4
Oct. 11 (Fri.), 09:00 - 10:30, Exhibition Hall 2
Chair: Jinya Katsuyama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
Co-Chair: Yu Maruyama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan)
PSAM17&ASRAM2024-TS4 Overview of the 5th International Symposium on Probabilistic Methodologies for Nuclear Applications (ISPMNA5) - Further Practical Application of Probabilistic Fracture Mechanics -
Jinya Katsuyama, Yu Maruyama (Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Japan), Cedric J. Sallaberry (Engineering Mechanics Corporation of Columbus, United States), Haruko Sasaki (The secretariat on the Nuclear Regulation Authority, Japan), Taku Sato (Atomic Energy Association, Japan)